Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day Two

Day two started with the chicken going into the crock-pot.

Then I finished vegetable prep while I had my batch of Tomato Basil Soup going.

After that was cooled and packaged I started the Southwestern Veggie Soup. This was a double batch! I am seriously contemplating purchasing a huge stock pot!

While that was simmering away I cooked the "Turkey" sloppy joes mixture and prepared to assemble. I actually used pork instead of turkey because it was a better deal $$.

The assembly line ready to begin!

Sandwiches all assembled. It was time for a break. After my break I took my husband over to main base for his class, came home and started yet another soup when....



I splashed 5 cups of boiling water onto my hand!


That was the end of day two. This is turning into cook for a week, eat for a month. I'm still having fun with it though... well, minus the hand part. And I already know that I will be doing this again next month but with a few changes!

Please note that my hand is okay just really sore and feels like a bad sunburn but otherwise okay.


Loks said...

Sounds like things went better yesterday!
I like your wish list for the kitchen.
I have found mini loaf pans at the Dollar store. I also found muffin tins that were four in a tin at the Dollar store. These smaller tins are great to go in the oven around larger items on the racks.

I know this is your first time doing this cooking thing so you have started from scratch but keep a set amount a side this month and look at the day old bins or sales for items you know you will need next month such as cheese ( shred and freeze in baggies) and green peppers ( cut and freeze when you get them home) and onions in large bags on sale. You can cut these up anytime throughout the month and have them ready for your cooking day.You will find in April that a lot of dairy items go on sale ( we are dairy farmers) so by stocking up you will save in the long run.

Keep up the good work. And I hope your hand is feeling better today.

Air Force Wifey said...

I will definitely try some of those things. I stopped at the dollar store this morning and they didn't have any of those. There are several other dollar stores in this city so I might try to stop by some of those too. Thanks for the suggestions.

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